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Liquor store point of sale

Thinking About Switching Your Liquor Store Point of Sale? Cheers POS Is the Solution

Helpful Tips & Resources | August 1, 2022 | ll_cheers

We get it. The big names in the liquor store point-of-sale industry have been around for ages. They founded the industry, and we’re grateful to them for that. But Cheers POS is a liquor store point of sale for the modern world. Those looking to take their business into the future can find everything they need at their fingertips with Cheers POS. 

We’ve talked with the big players. We’ve sat down with them over dinner (and drinks 😉) to discuss the issues you face every day as a liquor store owner. We may not have been around the longest, but we know what we’re talking about, and we’re not all talk, either. Keep reading to learn more about what all Cheers POS can do for you and your business.

Cheers POS is an all-in-one liquor store point of sale

Imagine a world in which your day is not completely consumed by the everyday minutiae of managing your liquor store. In this world, you can manage everything from wholesale orders, to payroll, to ABC forms, to inventory all in one place.

Take a look at this far-from comprehensive list of Cheers POS functions, and then tell us this isn’t a world you want to live in:

What’s even better is that we constantly improve our features based on customer feedback. When you invest in Cheers POS as your liquor store point of sale, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to request specific features that make your life even easier. 

Want to see it in action? Request a demo!

Still not convinced this is the liquor store POS of your dreams? We’re not the kind of people that talk big without the backup. Request a demo now, and see what it feels like to have everything you need at your fingertips. 

We are headquartered in St. Mary’s, KS, but we serve clients all over the country. Travel is always included in each of our packages, and we can’t wait to come check out your store. So, invite us over, and start living in the world where your liquor store point of sale is just one more thing to toast to 🥂